Photo by Maxime Horlaville on Unsplash

Little meditation

Starting programming in a new language is like entering a dark cave :bat:. Initially I do not see anything, but when the eyes begin to adapt to the change of light shapes and figures become clearer and we begin to move with more confidence.

  • Know how to troubleshoot and debug :bug:
  • Know how to input and output data :arrows_clockwise:
  • Know the patterns of the language 🎛
  • Know the libraries useful for your goals, and possibly create a collection of third-party reference libraries 🧩

There are more widespread and mature languages, for which there is a very wide choice of libraries to use, and others whose choice is limited or not very tested.

My case

GOlang is the language that everyone would like to program but that no one has the courage to adopt (at least in Italy).

It is a wild language, clearly still young although stable and well defined. When you learn to tame it, however, you can’t do without it anymore.

At the moment the only big aspect that in my opinion still needs to be improved is a more elegant handling of errors. Half of the code you write is for error handling, which takes time and focus on functional goals.

I hope that the next versions will bring some evolutions on this aspect, probably more useful in the practice of the generics much discussed in this period.

if err != nil {
  // 😱